
The War Room’s Speaker Victory

As Mike Johnson became speaker of the House, the loudest elements of the MAGA world cheered.

Understanding Mike Johnson’s Social Conservatism

What we can learn from his work for the Christian legal advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom.

No Confidence

Getting nervous about Biden 2024.

What’s the Deal with the Plea Deals?

Interpreting the guilty pleas from Donald Trump’s co-defendants in Georgia.

Meet the New Boss

Introducing Mike Johnson, the 56th speaker of the House.

The Perfect Ending

In the GOP’s speaker mess, the bad guys win again.

Republicans Elect Mike Johnson Speaker

It brings the impasse to an end, but the House GOP still has a lot of hurdles to overcome this year.

Will South Carolina Even Matter?

Plus: A bedraggled House GOP hopes Rep. Mike Johnson can fix its speaker logjam.

A Trumped-Up Tuesday

Plus: House dysfunction is hurting U.S. weapons stockpiles.

The GOP’s Costly Incompetence

The party is missing an opportunity to show it can govern.

Forgiving Jenna Ellis

How much grace is a remorseful coup-enabler owed?

Rules for Radicals

It won’t matter who the speaker of the House is if we don’t safeguard clear, impartial, and competent administration.

Kevin’s House

A quasi-defense of an execrable leader.

A Republican’s Defense of Arizona’s Election Integrity

Plus: House Republicans will try once again to find a speaker who can win.

Chaos in Congress and Around the World

Another week of dysfunction at home and war abroad.

Politics Without Consequences

While Joe Biden is gaining momentum, House Republicans can’t even agree to the rules of their own game.